The South Korea SWAT has successfully deployed the Senator APC

For over a year, the Roshel Senator APC has been successfully deployed by the South Korea SWAT team. The vehicle proved its operational efficiency and ability to support law enforcement needs in various scenarios. As a result, more units have been ordered and will be supplied soon. 

The Senator APC is a high-performance multi-purpose armored personnel carrier specifically designed for law enforcement and border patrol operations. It is a unique product in terms of technical characteristics, design and assembly. By implementing modular design, we have created a vehicular platform able to support a wide range of operational scenarios, including but not limited to armored personnel carriers, mobile command and control units, law enforcement vehicles, medical evacuation vehicles, and others. The vehicle is characterized by a high degree of manoeuvrability, with the small turning radius making it an ideal choice for urban environments.

The Senator has been deployed by leading law enforcement agencies including Department of State, NASA and others. 

To learn more about the Senator APC, click here